Spanish-Española 1. Jaws settings: Set up braille profile – insert 6 (ctrl shift D for default but after you complete these steps, open settings again, to make sure they hold for just Word settings) type “braille mode” down twice to hear it, F6, alt g to languages and setup your choices. For those requiring a Spanish Braille display or keyboard, ensure your device is compatible with your software settings.

This lesson is Spain (international) Input and Output are Spanish Grade 1

2. Tab to profile languages and set those up and enter to close Jaws settings

3. Alt 8 to make sure dots 7,8 show on display-accept and close settings

1. Set up Voice profile in Jaws-open context menu, options, voices, add a profile

1. In Word-change voice quickly:  2 options: on keyboard- ctrl shift window L to change profile or on Focus -2,3,4,5,7, space to change languages)

2. Insert+ctrl+S to change to Spanish profile or to other language

3. G+7+space on Focus to computer braille (which will output Spanish grade 1)– capital is dot 7 under capital letter on display

Spanish Braille display or keyboard image of braille dots that are in this accessible page for auditory learners

For Braille with FOCUS Braille Display


á 1,2,3,5,6   

é 2,3,4,6   

í 3,4 

ó 3,4,6  

ú 2,3,4,5,6  

ü 1,2,5,6,8 

ñ 1,2,4,5,6, 8  

Punctuation for Spanish Braille using Braille Display

! 2,3,5, 7 is exclamation mark

inverted ! is 2,3,5, 7, 8 is upside down exclamation mark

Period is . is dot 3 

Comma is , is dot 2 for comma

question mark is ? is dot 2, 6 

upside down question mark or inverted ? is 2,6,7

Spanish Braille for Keyboard and JAWS

Lower Case Letters

á   (lower case a, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter a
é   (lower case e, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter e
í   (lower case i, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter i
ó   (lower case o, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter o
ú   (lower case u, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then the letter u
ñ   (lower case n, tilde accent)  =  Press Ctrl + Shift + ~ (tilde), then the letter n
ü   (lower case u, diaeresis accent)  =  Press Ctrl + Shift + : (colon), then the letter u

Upper Case Letters

Á   (upper case A, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then Shift + a
É   (upper case E, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then Shift + e
Í   (upper case I, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then Shift + i
Ó   (upper case O, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then Shift + o
Ú   (upper case U, acute accent)  =  Press Ctrl + ‘ (apostrophe), then Shift + u
Ñ   (upper case N, tilde accent)  =  Press Ctrl + Shift + ~ (tilde), then Shift + n
Ü   (upper case U, diaeresis accent)  =  Press Ctrl + Shift + : (colon), then Shift + u

Punctuation Marks

¿   (inverted question mark)  =  Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ? (question mark)
¡   (inverted exclamation mark)  =  Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ! (exclamation mark)
«   (opening angle quotation mark)  =  Press Ctrl + ` (grave accent), then Shift + < (less than symbol)
»   (closing angle quotation mark)  =  Press Ctrl + ` (grave accent), then Shift + > (greater than symbol)

Practice Spanish Braille with Braille Display or Keyboard

Práctica: You can Use JAWS insert+4 on keyboard for any special symbol also

¿Qué hora es por favor, señor? 

Soy de México.  

!Mucho gusto, Marta! Hola.

¡Mucho gusto, Marta! Hola!

 ¿Qué hora es por favor, señor?

¿Qué hora es por favor, señor?

  1. ¡Buenos días! ¡Hola! / Good morning!
  2. ¡Buenas tardes!  Good afternoon!
  3. ¡Buenas noches! Good evening! / Good night!
  4. ¡Hola! / ¡Chao!  ¡Hi! / Bye!
  5. Adiós.  Goodbye.
  6. Por favor.  Please.
  7. Hasta la vista / Hasta luego. See you / See you later.
  8. Hasta pronto. See you soon.
  9. Hasta mañana. See you tomorrow.
  10. (Muchas) Gracias. 
  11. Thank you (very much).
  12. De nada. You’re welcome.
  13. Bienvenidos  Welcome
  14. Lo siento  I’m sorry
  15. Con permiso / Perdón / Disculpe  Excuse me / Pardon me 
  16. ¡Vamos!  Let’s go!
  17. ¿Cómo está usted?  How are you? (formal) 
  18. ¿Cómo estás?  How are you? (informal)
  19. Insert+4 for eacute in
  20. ¿Qué tal?   How’s it going?
  21. Bien / Muy bien  Good / Very good
  22. Insert+4 for acute in Más below
  23. Mal / Muy mal / Más o menos  Bad / Very bad / OK
  24. Sí / No Yes / No
  25. ¿Cómo?
  26. ¿Cómo se llama usted? What is your name? (formal)
  27. ¿Cómo te llamas?  What is your name? (informal)
  28. Me llamo…  / Mi nombre es… My name is…
  29. Mucho gusto. / Encantado.  Nice to meet you.

More Lessons at YouTube and YourTechVision WebSite

By Dr Denise

I and my team have a passion for teaching blind and low vision children and adults how to become independent in all areas through the use of technology and other blind skills.