Colleges help visually impaired students succeed by providing various accommodations and resources tailored to their needs. These include assistive technologies like screen readers, braille displays, and magnification software; in addition to hiring Tech Trainers such as TechVision, to teach you when you ask via Vocational Rehabilitation types of Services. Institutions often offer priority registration, allowing students to choose classes that best fit their needs. Additionally, colleges may provide note-taking services, accessible course materials, and extended time for exams. By modifying policies and procedures, colleges create an inclusive environment that supports the academic and personal growth of visually impaired students.
Go to: How Colleges Help Visually Impaired Students Succeed and get your resources lined up for success
Earning a college degree can be challenging, especially for students with visual impairments who face additional barriers. This guide highlights the impact of vision loss on education and explores how colleges support visually impaired students. It provides expert advice, resources, and lists scholarships and grants. Furthermore, it offers practical tips for navigating educational challenges and discusses technological advancements that help students overcome obstacles to succeed in their academic journeys.
Access Training for College Students-learn those computer skills to access your college classes in real time.

If your child still needs reminders to get up: Set up Outlook Alarm with screen reader