In 2002, Tasha, a 10th-grade student who moved from Ukraine, lost her sight quickly. She had never used a computer before. Jaws in English and Russian gave her the ability to learn English quickly. She switched back and forth in languages as needed. After learning to touch type, within 2 months is independent in the classroom due to her PC computer skills. Since laptop computers were not an option, desktop computers were wheeled on a cart from class to class for use. This is a case where a student learns keyboarding fast despite challenges.
In just two weeks, she learned to navigate a computer using screen reader software, unlocking newfound independence. Tasha rapidly mastered touch typing and easily switching between Word documents and the internet, demonstrating her impressive progress. A student learns keyboarding fast if given the right tools and support. Her journey is a powerful example of how technology can transform lives. Screen readers on PC computers provide crucial tools for independence, even in the face of significant challenges.
Most students who lose sight rapidly have a significant or devastating health condition. Being in and out of hospitals for the brain tumor that took her vision, keeping up with work was far easier completing it on a computer. Today, students receive work digitally and can comfortably recuperate at home or hospital AND keep up with learning. When a student learns keyboarding fast, it makes managing their studies much easier.
Discover more about how you can achieve similar freedom at The key is ensuring that every student learns keyboarding fast to enhance their independence.
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