Math for all ages, Math Team, Dr. Robinson, along with Professor Betsey, Campbell Rutherford (teacher intern), led the session. Nate Kile (Access Tech Specialist) was the moderator. Math Team emphasized the importance of ensuring blind students can access their technology independently and efficiently. Nate Kile assisted by handling participant questions during the presentation, allowing attendees to type inquiries in the Zoom chat box. Mr Kile would ask the Math Team from the virtual attendees.
Each presenter built on the others’ lessons. Dr. Robinson began with elementary math training skills and how JAWS and other assistive technologies play crucial roles in blind students’ education. Teaching math for all ages, she typed out typically math problems in elementary school to show audience how easily math is completed in WORD. Nate provided opportunities for participants to unmute themselves using Alt + A or Alt + M to ask questions.
Math for all Ages: Dr Robinson
The Math Team turned off their videos to optimize bandwidth. When teaching virtually, turning off video offers better bandwidth for a flow of uninterrupted instruction. Dr. Robinson started the discussion by running JAWS, a screen reader. She explained how to troubleshoot JAWS issues, recommending minimizing programs and restarting the software for optimal performance.
The session highlighted key JAWS commands, such as Windows + D for quick access to the desktop. Dr. Robinson demonstrated how blind students could use Braille displays for math, including Nemeth code. She showed how blind students control their computers by personalizing settings like screen readers and Bluetooth. Customizing the setup is essential for supporting math learning at all ages.

Math for all Ages: Professor Betsey
Professor Betsey demonstrated how to effectively use Braille displays, including advanced setups for students. She went into MathType and LaTex and how to use advanced Math techniques to accomplish all math levels. She emphasized the importance of maintaining accessibility and autonomy for students through personalized settings. As a college-level math professor, she explains that using a PC for math enables full inclusion of blind students. Prof. Betsey emphasizes that this technology allows blind students to participate equally in all aspects of their education. This approach supports the goal of providing math for all ages.
Math for all Ages: Campbell
Campbell Rutherford, a teacher intern, demonstrated how to integrate graphing and mathematical functions using accessible technology for blind students. Campbell began by demonstrating how to write a function in Word using LaTeX. She then transitioned to graphing that function in Desmos, an online graphing calculator. Using her braille display and screen reader, she input and analyzed the graph. Campbell explained how blind students can explore mathematical properties like intercepts and undefined points. After reviewing the graph, she took a screenshot and pasted it into a Word document. This tied together the written mathematical properties and the visual representation. Throughout, Campbell stressed the importance of accessible math for students of all ages.
Throughout the session, the Math Team emphasized the importance of managing constant software updates. They explained how providing local admin rights empowers students to update their programs and devices independently. This in-turn prepares them for both academic success and future employment. The TechVision team’s approach ensures that students can fully access their education and maintain control of their technology. This ultimately sets them up for long-term success but especially the STEM field. More Math Lessons here:
Math Lessons Galore
Setup Computer and Screen Readers first
Optimizing Windows 11 for Screen Reader Efficiency with Key Settings and Configurations
MathCAT-set it up with NVDA or JAWS, UEB MATH or Nemeth with screen readers
Hayes learns proper Word setup for Math with Math Editor and Jaws commands with brailliant display
Setting up Braille Math editor in WORD to left justify and work in computer and contracted braille
UEB or Nemeth Math Lessons Galore with JAWS or NVDA
Digital UEB Math & Braille Math Editor in WORD with JAWS UEB Mode
UEB Math using Braille Math and Word Math Editors with Jaws and split-braille-for-buffer-mode
UEB Math with NVDA in WORD using unicode-LaTex or Braille -easy to advanced math
Digital Math with UEB Math, NVDA completing Matrices in WORD Math Editor 365
JAWS or UEB Math in WORD Math Editor-Unicode-LaTex Braille=learning easy to advanced math
Quadratic Formulas with UEB Math or Nemeth and/or display with JAWS audio & MathCat
Matrices in WORD Math Editor-Braille Math editor with Jaws using LaTex, auditory and/or Braille
MathKicker. AI- Solutions to Math Issues
Digital Quadratic Math with Jaws or NVDA in – auditory and/or braille display
Complete Advanced Math with LaTex to finish math fast using Mathkicker.AI, JAWS, NVDA and/or display
Math & AI convert PDF math or any work into WORD docx.
Perfect Digital Math at all levels using only audio or tactile Braille or both in
Math & AI is — convert to .docx from clipboard- make inaccessible accessible an image of math and make it perfect Math in Word Math editor with screen reader
Mathkicker.AI -change Math PDF to text in WORD Math editor in less than a minute with screen reader
Graphing, Split Braille and More
Transcribe Math into Word documents for blind students using Math editor, Jaws and a Braille Display
Quadratic equation and how to fix math mistakes, braille math editor, Jaws in Word Math editor
Braille Math in Word with editor, JAWS, braille display and ease for multi-line math problems
Graphing Inequalities, functions and shading with Desmos and screen reader
Create Geometry Shapes from Math Work in Desmos with screen reader
Geometry in DESMOS graphing Calculator with screen reader
Desmos graphing calculator with shaded Parabolas, screen reader, braille display and embosser
Students with Math
Braille Math editor Contracted out, computer in mode with Tay–most efficient
Jaws Braille Math editor in Word by Aubrey
Braille Math Editor in Word with Jaws, Focus Braille Display by Campbell
do video for website: Complete Advanced Math with LaTex to finish math fast using Mathkicker.AI, JAWS, NVDA and/or display
Create Geometry Shapes from Math Work in Desmos with screen reader
Quadratic equation and how to fix math mistakes, braille math editor, Jaws in Word Math editor
Transcribe Math into Word documents for blind students using Math editor, Jaws and a Braille Display
MathCAT-set it up with NVDA or JAWS, UEB MATH or Nemeth with screen readers
Setting up Braille Math editor in WORD to left justify and work in computer and contracted braille
Braille Math Editor in Word with Jaws, Focus Braille Display by Campbell
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