Sensational Books offers Inclusive Multi-Sensory Learning Tools. These tools provide a multi-sensory approach to early learning, focusing on tactile and visual experiences. Their products include books and tools designed for both sighted and visually impaired children. For example, “Sadie Can Count” is a children’s book with large print, Braille text, and fully embossed pictures. This book helps beginning readers, including those with visual impairments, to enjoy reading with their friends and family.

Another notable product is the Sensational BlackBoard, which allows users to create raised-line drawings. This tool is lightweight, portable, and uses standard copy paper and a ballpoint pen. It’s designed to help users feel their drawings as they create them, making it an excellent resource for both new and experienced artists.
Sensational Books also offers workshops and tactile artwork, promoting sensory integration and early literacy. Their products are suitable for diverse populations, including Montessori students and children with autism. The website provides a comprehensive overview of their offerings, including detailed product descriptions and testimonials from users. Some users need other types of tactile tools also.
One example is Sensational BlackBoard which offers a fun, fast, easy and inexpensive way to get tactile access to images. Draw your own raised line pictures or you can have photo copy images of text book or research materials quickly traced. More on this site for Inclusive Multi-Sensory Learning Tools. Make sure you incorporate audio reading as a skill to add to braille reading.
More information and lessons at: TechVision YouTube