To efficiently convert Braille files to text or HTML, you can change extensions as shown in the video or open the Braille file in software like Duxbury Braille Translator or Braille Blaster. Export the file as plain text. Use a text editor to manually add HTML tags or employ a conversion tool for HTML formatting. This method ensures the content is accessible in both text and web formats, making it easier to efficiently convert Braille files to HTML and Word.

Guidance on converting Braille files into HTML or text files from this video:

Efficiently converting Braille files to HTML and Word requires specific software and keyboard commands. Below is the method I used in the Video

  1. Extract Files:
    • Applications Key: Press Applications Key, then Down Arrow to select “Extract”.
  2. Rename Files:
    • Rename: Press Applications Key, then Up Arrow to “Rename”, and Enter.
    • Change Extension: Use Right Arrow to navigate, Backspace to delete .txt, and type .html, then Enter.
  3. Open Files in Notepad:
    • Open File: Press Enter on the file to open it in Notepad.
  4. Save As HTML:
    • Save As: Press Alt + F, then Down Arrow to “Save As”, and Enter.
    • Change File Type: Press Tab to navigate to the file type dropdown, select “All Files”, and Enter.
    • Rename Extension: Press Shift + Tab to navigate back, use Right Arrow to move to the extension, Backspace to delete .txt, type .html, and Enter.
  5. Copy and Paste Text:
    • Select All: Press Ctrl + A.
    • Copy: Press Ctrl + C.
    • Paste in Word: Open Word, then press Ctrl + V.
  6. Show File Extensions:
    • Open File Explorer: Press Alt + D.
    • Open Organize Menu: Press Tab to navigate to the “Organize” button, and Enter.
    • Folder Options: Press Down Arrow to “Folder and search options”, and Enter.
    • View Tab: Press Ctrl + Tab to switch to the “View” tab.
    • Show Extensions: Press Tab to navigate to “Hide extensions for known file types”, press Spacebar to uncheck, and Enter.

These commands should help you efficiently manage and convert your files.

Here is another way to convert files

  1. Extract the Braille File:
    Use software like Duxbury (DBT) or Braille Blaster Translator to open BRF or BRL files. This software can convert Braille files into readable text.
  2. Export to Text Format:
    After extraction, use the “Export” function in DBT or other Braille translation software to save the file as a plain text (.txt) file.
  3. Convert to HTML:
    Use a text editor to open the .txt file. You can manually add HTML tags to structure it as an HTML file or use a basic converter tool to help automate the process.

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By Dr Denise

My team and I have a passion for teaching blind and low vision children and adults how to become independent in all areas through the use of technology and other blind skills.