Keith Bundy, a blind baseball announcer, shared his journey of overcoming obstacles to live his dream as a sports announcer. Mr. Bundy, blind since childhood, longed to play sports but lacked opportunities in Southern Indiana. Listening to baseball broadcasts fueled his dream. In 2001, he received an invitation to announce an American Legion Baseball game. With family support and a refreshable braille display, Bundy began announcing for teams semi-professionally.

Blind Baseball Announcer Keith Bundy Inspiring Journey

On August 29th and 30th, significant events took place in Madison, South Dakota. The Dakota State University Trojans and the Madison Bulldogs both won their first games in their new stadiums. However, a less noticed but equally significant event occurred on August 29th. Keith Bundy, who grew up blind in Southern Indiana, fulfilled a lifelong dream by becoming an announcer in stadiums. It was a monumental day for Blind Baseball Announcer Keith Bundy.

Growing up, Keith was passionate about sports but couldn’t participate due to his blindness. He spent many nights listening to baseball broadcasts and dreaming of being part of a team. In 2001, a chance opportunity to announce an American Legion Baseball game changed his life. With the support of his family and the use of assistive technology like a refreshable braille display, Keith began announcing baseball games. Over the years, he announced for various teams, including Dakota State University and the Madison Broncos.

Blind baseball announcer Keith reading stats from braille display
Blind baseball announcer Keith reading stats from braille display

Keith is FIRST person to in new stadium

On August 29th, Keith became the first person to announce an event in the new stadium, a moment he described as humbling and significant. He emphasized that blindness is not an insurmountable obstacle and credited his success to the right circumstances, a strong work ethic, and the support of many people, including his wife Peggy and his friend Tom Frel. Blind Baseball Announcer Keith Bundy has shown that anything is possible with the right support.

Keith’s story is a testament to perseverance and proper education. Most of all, the power of community support in achieving one’s dreams.

Blind individuals, with the right instruction and tools, can achieve their dreams just like anyone else. By learning essential skills, such as using assistive technology, braille, or orientation and mobility training, they can overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. With guidance tailored to their needs, they gain confidence, independence, and the ability to pursue passions, whether in academics, sports, or careers. By embracing the right resources and support, blind people can turn their dreams into reality and thrive in any field they choose.

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By Dr Denise

I and my team have a passion for teaching blind and low vision children and adults how to become independent in all areas through the use of technology and other blind skills.