Dr. Robinson demonstrates how to complete multi-level math in WORD using Braille Math Editor with JAWS. She used an algebra problem as an example. She explains that this method applies to several types of math problems. First, she highlights how transcriptionists or students can prepare algebra equations using the Alt + Equals command to insert math symbols directly in Word. Once the equation is ready, the blind student can easily solve it using a Focus 40 Braille display.

Navigating the Math Content

Dr. Robinson shows how students can work within the Braille Math Editor. By pressing Insert + Space followed by Shift + Equals, the editor opens, and the math problem appears ready for solving. She mentions that students can choose between Nemeth code or Computer Braille, depending on their preference. Both modes allow for precise calculations and input, enabling them to complete multi-level math problems efficiently across multiple levels.

complete multi-level math using BME in WORD image of math

As the student works through the problem, they can use Braille commands like 4-5-6 Space to navigate to the end of the problem and add a dot 6 for separating steps with commas. This method keeps the equation organized, allowing the student to solve the problem in multiple lines, just as their sighted peers would. By checking the Braille display frequently, students ensure accuracy while solving multi-level math equations and maintaining neatness.

Finalizing and Reviewing Work to complete multi-level math

Once the math is complete, the student hits Enter to insert the solution into Microsoft Word. Dr. Robinson uses Ctrl + L to align the text to the left after confirming correct spacing and formatting. She resolves errors, such as unnecessary commas or misalignments, by reviewing each line. Editing line by line ensures the final product is both clean and accurate. The process concludes with a perfectly formatted, multi-level math solution, efficiently done using the Braille Math Editor, thus completing the task effectively.

This setup provides blind students with the tools to complete complex multi-level math work just like their peers, ensuring accessibility and ease in academic settings. More math lessons here.

By Dr Denise

I and my team have a passion for teaching blind and low vision children and adults how to become independent in all areas through the use of technology and other blind skills.