Low Vision children are especially vulnerable to neck and back problems but any of us who lean over work will eventually pay a very high cost.

Research at:

Have YOU got text neck? How hunching over  puts 60lbs of extra pressure on the spine

Slumping over a phone adds extra pressure on the cervical spine- the part above the shoulders – researchers found. Bending the head to a 60 degree angle adds 60 lbs – or more than four stone- worth of pressure

Slumping over a phone adds extra pressure on the cervical spine- the part above the shoulders - researchers found. Bending the head to a 60 degree angle adds 60 lbs - or more than four stone- worth of pressure

By Dr Denise

I and my team have a passion for teaching blind and low vision children and adults how to become independent in all areas through the use of technology and other blind skills.