Download books from BARD using The NLS BARD website or Phone app, which offers Braille and audio reading materials for the blind and print disabled. Users need a login ID and password to access the site. Eligible users can download books from BARD, magazines, and other materials. The site supports various browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. If you need help with any instruction, let us know.

BARD Mobile apps are available for iOS, Android, and Fire tablets. These apps allow users to access Braille and talking books on their devices. BARD Express simplifies searching, downloading, and managing audio materials on Windows. Once on computer you can change how you see the books also.
The website ensures accessibility with tested compatibility for screen readers. Users must agree to a pledge to use the service. The NLS BARD service enhances access to reading materials, promoting literacy and independence for the blind and print disabled.
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(1) BARD: Braille and Audio Reading Download –
(2) Welcome to BARD – National Library Service for the Blind and Print ….